Tag Archives: Colorado State University

Dr. Temple Grandin to speak, Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dr. Temple Grandin, professor of animal science at Colorado State University, noted animal handling and welfare specialist, and champion for those who are autistic, will give a lecture entitled, “It Takes All Minds” on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015, at 7 p.m. in Room 115 Kleberg Animal and Food Sciences Center on the campus of Texas A&M University. Dr. Grandin received an honorary degree from Texas A&M University in August 2014, and her life was featured in the award-winning HBO film entitled, “Temple Grandin.” Dr. Grandin’s publisher will have copies of her books… Read More →

Temple Grandin receives honorary degree from Texas A&M University

Dr. Temple Grandin, professor of animal science at Colorado State University and internationally recognized authority on animal handling and autism, received an honorary degree from Texas A&M University on Friday, August 15, 2014. Dr. Grandin’s contribution to our understanding of animal and human behavior has set new standards for helping people in these diverse areas solve problems. Dr. Grandin has been on campus in the past for the Beef Cattle Shortcourse, the Rosenthal Lecture Series, and for talks on autism. She has collaborated with faculty and students in… Read More →