Monthly Archives: March 2013

Grass-fed beef conference scheduled May 30-31, 2013

Writer: Blair Fannin, 979-845-2259, [email protected] Contact: Dr. Rick Machen, 830-278-9151, [email protected] COLLEGE STATION – With consumer interest heightening about where food comes from, grass-fed beef producers will have the opportunity to learn more about marketing opportunities as well as production trends during a May 30-31 conference in College Station. Dr. Rick Machen, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service beef cattle specialist in Uvalde, said producers can learn about all aspects of grass-fed beef production techniques at the conference, which will be held at the Rosenthal Meat Science Building on the Texas… Read More →

Persistent pinkness in ground beef patties

Persistent pinkness in cooked ground beef patties is of considerable concern for food service establishments. Consumers view ground beef patties that are pink in the middle as being undercooked and unsafe when, in reality, these patties may be fully cooked and safe to eat. Persistent pinkness can be caused by reducing agents, pH, nitrite contamination, and/or carbon monoxide from gas ovens. Raw beef contains myoglobin, which combines with oxygen to form oxymyoglobin, which has a bright red color. Meat color is regulated (mostly) by a heme ring on… Read More →

Aggie Processed Meat School, April 25-26, 2013

Contacts: Blair Fannin, 979-845-2259, [email protected] Courtney Coufal, 979-845-1542, [email protected] COLLEGE STATION – A workshop on making processed meat products is scheduled for April 25-26 on the campus of Texas A&M University in College Station. Hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the department of animal science, the Aggie Processed Meat school will engage participants on the important aspects of meat processing from raw material and ingredients through the manufacturing procedures and the finished product, according to organizers. The school is being held in partnership with the Southwest Meat… Read More →

National Beef Tenderness Survey – 2010 article published

The February 2013 issue of the Journal of Animal Science contains the National Beef Tenderness Survey – 2010 article. Here is the citation and link to the abstract: Guelker, M. R., A. N. Haneklaus, J. C. Brooks, C. C. Carr, R. J. Delmore, Jr., D. B. Griffin, D. S. Hale, K. B. Harris, G. G. Mafi, D. D. Johnson, C. L. Lorenzen, R. J. Maddock, J. N. Martin, R. K. Miller, C. R. Raines, D. L. VanOverbeke, L. L. Vedral, B. E. Wasser, and J. W. Savell. 2013…. Read More →