Aron and Mary Lois Savell Leadership Mentor Group, 2017-2018

The Aron and Mary Lois Savell Leadership Mentor Program was begun in September, 2012 with the first five classes referred to as the Aron and Mary Lois Savell Leadership Mentor Group, 2012-2013, the Aron and Mary Lois Savell Leadership Mentor Group, 2013-2014, the Aron and Mary Lois Savell Leadership Mentor Group, 2014-2015, the Aron and Mary Lois Savell Leadership Mentor Group, 2015-2016, and the Aron and Mary Lois Savell Leadership Mentor Group, 2016-2017.

Meeting dates for the Spring, 2018

Students will attend one of the sessions each week to be held in Room 126 (Faculty Lounge) Kleberg Center or in Room 348 Kleberg (J.W. Savell’s office). Dates are subject to change so check back frequently.

11 AM or 6 PM, Thursday, February 22 or 7:30 AM, Friday, February 23, 2018

11 AM Wednesday, April 25 or 7 AM or 11 AM, Friday, April 27, 2018

Resources for the Spring, 2018

February book

“Originals: How non-conformists move the world” by Adam Grant.

Adam Grant: The surprising habits of original thinkers. TED Talk.

Adam Grant website

April book

“The Power of Moments: Why certain experiences have extraordinary impact” by Chip Heath & Dan Heath.

The Heath Brothers: The Power of Moments

Contact Jeff Savell at for more information about participating in this program.