124 Beef Rib, Back Ribs

124 beef rib, back ribs originate from the most dorsal section of ribs 6 through 12, so there are typically seven rib bones present. The body and the feather bone portions of the vertebrae have been removed leaving only the sawed ends of the rib bones present. This is the portion of the ribs that is directly ventral to the ribeye roll, so the ribs generally are more curved (end to end of each bone) than other beef rib products. Considering the higher value of the muscles in the ribeye roll, 124 beef rib, back ribs have little to no overlying tissue on the dorsal side. The major muscles in 124 beef rib, back ribs are the intercostal muscles which are located between the rib bones. Removal of the periosteum (plural lining on the medal side of the ribs) is suggested prior to cooking.
See more examples of the 124 Beef Rib, Back Ribs below: